Deer Lake United Church

Clouds and a tree

Spiritual & Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care historically developed as that section of the church that tended specifically to people's spiritual needs. Pastoral Care is a way of addressing life's emotional crises from a spiritual perspective. Deer Lake United Church is blessed to have a caring, nurturing group of members who tend to our spiritual needs by walking with us on our sometimes difficult journey called Life. We are there to listen a lot, maybe cry a little, and to certainly offer any support necessary to someone in need. We can liaise with the Minister, if required, or we can confidentially work with someone who needs a hand. We are a phone call away, and we care enough to listen!

We also have a dedicated team of "Care Ringers" who periodically call to keep everyone up-to-date with church events, as well as opening a channel for talk, if required.

If you are in need of pastoral care, please speak with the minister or one of the members from the pastoral care team.

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